django-pgfields 1.0

Welcome to django-pgfields 1.0!


This release is considered the first true, stable release of django-pgfields. It adds sufficient support for tools within the Django ecosystem (gis, south) to be usable, and all documented aspects of the module should not change at this point, except to accomodate a substantial change in Django itself.

This release of django-pgfields contains the following major features:


GeoDjango Support

django-pgfields 1.0 resolves a previously-existing conflict between django-pgfields and GeoDjango (django.contrib.gis).

Because both django-pgfields and GeoDjango implement their additional features by subclassing several classes within Django itself, it wasn’t possible to use both of them.

django-pgfields 1.0 removes this limitation by introspecting your database backend setting and assigning to models an appropriate Manager class. So, if you are using the django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis backend, you’ll get our GeoManager subclass (without having to specify anything!), while if you’re using the vanilla Django PostgreSQL backend, you’ll get our Manager subclass.

This functionality is provided across-the-board. However, if our introspection gets it wrong, you can define a DJANGOPG_DEFAULT_MANAGER setting, which will be applied to all models in lieu of django-pgfields’ introspection. This is easier than manually assigning a manager to every model.

Improved Repr

django-pgfields 1.0 provides an improved __repr__ implementation on the base Model, from which your models inherit.

As this is not the core mission of django-pgfields, this functionality is provided on an opt-in basis, and will only be activated if you set a particular setting.

For more information, see the improved repr documentation.

Minor Improvements

  • If auto_add=True is set on a UUID field, it now implies editable=False. This makes it behave as much like AutoField as possible, since a primary key replacement is one of the most likely reasons to use auto_add at all.
  • When using an ArrayField, any item that is added to the list is automatically coerced to the sub-field’s format.
  • When a value for a CompositeField subclass is being coerced to the appropriate Python type, all sub-items are coerced as well.
  • When using a CompositeField, any item that is added to a key of the field is automatically coerced to that key’s format.

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